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122 lines
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<file name="C:\Users\devuser\Documents\code\moodle\moodle-anyreport\src\main\java\ru\egspt\">
<error line="2" column="1" severity="error" message="&apos;import&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="6" column="1" severity="error" message="Extra separation in import group before &apos;ru.egspt.moodle.AccessPane&apos;" source=""/>
<error line="10" severity="error" message="First sentence should end with a period." source=""/>
<error line="13" column="32" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="14" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="14" column="17" severity="error" message="Variable &apos;base&apos; must be private and have accessor methods." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="17" severity="error" message="Variable &apos;data&apos; must be private and have accessor methods." source=""/>
<error line="17" column="23" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="21" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="21" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="21" column="28" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="25" column="27" severity="error" message="&apos;640&apos; is a magic number." source=""/>
<error line="25" column="32" severity="error" message="&apos;480&apos; is a magic number." source=""/>
<error line="29" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="29" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="29" column="28" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="29" column="44" severity="error" message="&apos;)&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="30" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; at column 5 should be on the previous line." source=""/>
<error line="31" column="27" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="31" column="106" severity="error" message="&apos;)&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="37" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces." source=""/>
<file name="C:\Users\devuser\Documents\code\moodle\moodle-anyreport\src\main\java\ru\egspt\moodle\">
<error line="2" column="1" severity="error" message="&apos;CLASS_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="2" column="1" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="9" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="21" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="27" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="33" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="39" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="42" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces." source=""/>
<file name="C:\Users\devuser\Documents\code\moodle\moodle-anyreport\src\main\java\ru\egspt\moodle\">
<error line="2" column="1" severity="error" message="&apos;import&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="3" column="1" severity="error" message="Wrong order for &apos;java.awt.Color&apos; import." source=""/>
<error line="16" column="1" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="24" column="21" severity="error" message="Name &apos;DisconnButton&apos; must match pattern &apos;^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$&apos;." source=""/>
<error line="25" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces." source=""/>
<error line="26" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="26" column="33" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="27" column="35" severity="error" message="&apos;;&apos; is not followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="28" column="42" severity="error" message="&apos;;&apos; is not followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="41" severity="error" message="Line is longer than 120 characters (found 141)." source=""/>
<error line="44" column="22" severity="error" message="&apos;320&apos; is a magic number." source=""/>
<error line="44" column="27" severity="error" message="&apos;240&apos; is a magic number." source=""/>
<error line="50" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="56" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="62" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="65" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="65" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="65" column="28" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="65" column="44" severity="error" message="&apos;)&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="65" column="45" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="68" column="27" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="68" column="77" severity="error" message="&apos;)&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="73" column="27" severity="error" message="&apos;320&apos; is a magic number." source=""/>
<error line="73" column="32" severity="error" message="&apos;240&apos; is a magic number." source=""/>
<error line="76" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces." source=""/>
<file name="C:\Users\devuser\Documents\code\moodle\moodle-anyreport\src\main\java\ru\egspt\moodle\">
<error line="2" column="1" severity="error" message="&apos;import&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="5" column="1" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="6" column="24" severity="error" message="Variable &apos;connection&apos; explicitly initialized to &apos;null&apos; (default value for its type)." source=""/>
<error line="10" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;CTOR_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="10" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="10" column="18" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;CTOR_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="53" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="23" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="29" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="35" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="41" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="44" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces." source=""/>
<error line="46" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="46" column="26" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="49" column="9" severity="error" message="&apos;try&apos; is not followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="49" column="12" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="50" severity="error" message="Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122)." source=""/>
<error line="50" column="48" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="51" column="32" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="52" column="9" severity="error" message="&apos;}&apos; at column 9 should be on the same line as the next part of a multi-block statement (one that directly contains multiple blocks: if/else-if/else, do/while or try/catch/finally)." source=""/>
<error line="53" column="9" severity="error" message="Catching &apos;Exception&apos; is not allowed." source=""/>
<error line="53" column="29" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="54" column="32" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="56" column="32" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="61" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="61" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="61" column="29" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="62" column="37" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="63" column="13" severity="error" message="&apos;try&apos; is not followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="63" column="16" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="65" column="39" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="66" column="36" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="67" column="13" severity="error" message="&apos;}&apos; at column 13 should be on the same line as the next part of a multi-block statement (one that directly contains multiple blocks: if/else-if/else, do/while or try/catch/finally)." source=""/>
<error line="68" column="13" severity="error" message="Catching &apos;Exception&apos; is not allowed." source=""/>
<error line="68" column="33" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="69" column="36" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="70" column="36" severity="error" message="&apos;(&apos; is preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<file name="C:\Users\devuser\Documents\code\moodle\moodle-anyreport\src\main\java\ru\egspt\moodle\">
<error line="3" column="1" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="3" column="1" severity="error" message="Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor." source=""/>
<error line="5" column="5" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="5" column="24" severity="error" message="Method name &apos;ConnectToServer&apos; must match pattern &apos;^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$&apos;." source=""/>
<error line="5" column="73" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="13" column="23" severity="error" message="&apos;;&apos; is not followed by whitespace." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="5" severity="error" message="&apos;METHOD_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="24" severity="error" message="Method name &apos;DisconnectFromServer&apos; must match pattern &apos;^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$&apos;." source=""/>
<error line="15" column="55" severity="error" message="&apos;{&apos; is not preceded with whitespace." source=""/>
<file name="C:\Users\devuser\Documents\code\moodle\moodle-anyreport\src\main\java\ru\egspt\moodle\">
<error line="2" column="1" severity="error" message="&apos;CLASS_DEF&apos; should be separated from previous statement." source=""/>
<error line="2" column="1" severity="error" message="Missing a Javadoc comment." source=""/>
<error line="3" severity="error" message="Line has trailing spaces." source=""/>