/* * Copyright (c) 2006, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ /** The Java Deployment Toolkit is a utility to deploy Java content in the browser as applets or applications using the right version of Java. If needed it can initiate an upgrade of user's system to install required components of Java platform.

Note that some of the Deployment Toolkit methods may not be fully operational if used before web page body is loaded (because DT native plugins could not be instantiated). If you intend to use it before web page DOM tree is ready then dtjava.js needs to be loaded inside the body element of the page and before use of other DT APIs. @module java/deployment_toolkit */ var dtjava = function() { function notNull(o) { return (o != undefined && o != null); } function isDef(fn) { return (fn != null && typeof fn != "undefined"); } //return true if any of patterns from query list is found in the given string function containsAny(lst, str) { for (var q = 0; q < lst.length; q++) { if (str.indexOf(lst[q]) != -1) { return true; } } return false; } /* Location of static web content - images, javascript files. */ var jscodebase = (function () { //